Op dit moment zit ik op mijn kamer. Vandaag ben ik voor de laatste keer naar het strand geweest met één meisje dat ook morgen naar huis vertrekt. De andere studenten uit onze vriendengroep zijn allemaal al vertrokken en we hebben er tijdens de voorbije 2 weken dus afscheid van genomen. Het waren heel moeilijke momenten, vooral toen 2 goede vriendinnen vertrokken. Ik kan zeggen dat dit zeker en vast het minst leuke is wat ik meegemaakt heb tijdens het voorbije jaar, en waarschijnlijk ook het enige negatieve aan 'a year abroad'. Mijn valies en handbagage staan ondertussen klaar om Engeland te verlaten. Eerst moet ik nog afscheid nemen van mijn lieve gastouders en hun kindjes, wat het laatste afscheid is, en morgenvroeg neem ik de bus naar Londen en dan de Eurostar naar huis. Ik kijk er alleszins al heel hard naar uit om mijn ouders en liefje morgen aan het station terug te zien! En daarna zal ik ook heel blij zijn als ik mijn vrienden en familie kan terug zien :) Of ik veel ga slapen vannacht weet ik niet, want ik ben best wel zenuwachtig. Belgium, see you soon!
Engelstalig verslagje
Time flies - that’s become utterly obvious having lived for
one year in two different countries. I can say without any hesitation that I’ve
had the time of my life. One of the best things I’ve experienced over the year
is the bunch of international people
I’ve met. Besides that, the scenery in Canada and England, and Ireland too, has
taken my breath away. I am incredibly grateful to have had this amazing
opportunity. I’ve also learnt a lot over this last year. Not only did I have to
make all the decisions on my own, but I also had to rely on myself for every
single thing I did. When you’re living at home, you take everything for
granted, but once away from your family, you have to do it all by yourself.
This has made me much stronger and more self-confident. Even though I really
didn’t like speaking English before I left, last year I have taken to it like a
duck to water. What’s more, I’m going to miss speaking the language because now
I even prefer speaking English to Dutch.
Next year, I’m going to the University in Gent to study Psychology. Suddenly, I knew this was what I wanted to do. Despite the fact that I haven’t been studying that much here, I’m already looking forward to next year. It probably won’t be that easy to change my new, more relaxed, attitude into study mode, but I’m sure that I have the strength to do it. As I’ve been training with top coaches in Toronto and England, I’m also going to continue trampolining. A year ago I wasn’t sure if I wanted to combine my sport trampoline with my studies, but since I’ve been training very well during my travels, I have the courage to go for it again.
In the time being I’m going to focus on the English exam that’s getting closer and in between, of course, I’m going to enjoy the last weeks with my friends. It’s a pity that I have to go home soon, but each story has an end and it will be a happy one. I’ll always look back to this adventure with a big smile. Both England and Toronto have now been my home and they’ll always be. I’m certain that I’m going to visit these places again, just like my lovely host families. On top of that, I’ve made friends for life who I’ll never forget. My 2 best friends, both from Italy, have invited me to visit them in summer, so, in one month, I’m seeing them again. It feels good not to say goodbye to them yet, because knowing that I will probably never see them again makes me feel sad. I’ve already said goodbye to a lot of people and believe me, it’s one of the saddest things I’ve ever done. On the other hand, I’m very happy that I’m going to see my parents, family, boyfriend and friends again soon!
Next year, I’m going to the University in Gent to study Psychology. Suddenly, I knew this was what I wanted to do. Despite the fact that I haven’t been studying that much here, I’m already looking forward to next year. It probably won’t be that easy to change my new, more relaxed, attitude into study mode, but I’m sure that I have the strength to do it. As I’ve been training with top coaches in Toronto and England, I’m also going to continue trampolining. A year ago I wasn’t sure if I wanted to combine my sport trampoline with my studies, but since I’ve been training very well during my travels, I have the courage to go for it again.
In the time being I’m going to focus on the English exam that’s getting closer and in between, of course, I’m going to enjoy the last weeks with my friends. It’s a pity that I have to go home soon, but each story has an end and it will be a happy one. I’ll always look back to this adventure with a big smile. Both England and Toronto have now been my home and they’ll always be. I’m certain that I’m going to visit these places again, just like my lovely host families. On top of that, I’ve made friends for life who I’ll never forget. My 2 best friends, both from Italy, have invited me to visit them in summer, so, in one month, I’m seeing them again. It feels good not to say goodbye to them yet, because knowing that I will probably never see them again makes me feel sad. I’ve already said goodbye to a lot of people and believe me, it’s one of the saddest things I’ve ever done. On the other hand, I’m very happy that I’m going to see my parents, family, boyfriend and friends again soon!
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